Liebe Freunde, liebe Freundinnen,
am 30. April 2022 um 19 Uhr CET (Berlin Zeit) gibt es die Gelegenheit, den Film Cry Baby Cry von Antonin Svoboda über die Babyarbeit von Thomas Harms, als Live Zoom (ausgestrahlt vom Wilhelm Reich Museum) anzuschauen. Bitte weiter unten auf der Seite anmelden.
APRIL 2022 UPDATE - Thomas Harms
- A Message from our Board President
- 2022 Summer Conference Schedule Now Posted
- Live Zoom on Saturday, April 30
I am excited by the release of the schedule of speakers for our upcoming summer conference, see below, and I'm looking forward to the upcoming April 30th Zoom presentation;
People often came to Hancock to see my mother Eva Reich, to learn from her. It wasn’t easy to get here; a four hour drive from Portland, Maine, or an hour from the airport in Bangor. Two of those people who came to Hancock were Thomas Harms (pictured with Eva) and Antonin Svoboda, years apart from each other. For most of Eva’s life, until she was paralyzed as a result of a stroke, anyone who came to visit her soon became part of her outdoor life. Long forest walks, digging gardens, and clipping brambles all lent themselves to deep conversation with Eva; in this way she spread the work of Wilhelm Reich, the importance of the wanted child, and her own methods of gentle baby massage. She fed her guests organic meals and cups of tea, she took them cranberry picking or they helped her rake hay from newly mown fields, all the while discussing orgone therapy, emotional armoring, how to build an accumulator, or natural birth. Eva’s outlook was practical; how could this work be implemented in real life, among real people of all socioeconomic levels, to help make a better world, a more peaceful world. Thank you, Thomas Harms and Antonin Svoboda, for doing real things in the world. Please join us on Saturday, April 30th, at 1:00pm Eastern Daylight Time, for this Zoom presentation. Once you register, you can watch the documentary film, Cry Baby, Cry, that will be the focus of the discussion, on the Wilhelm Reich Museum website. Thank you all for your continued support of the museum’s work, and your efforts to make a better world.
The schedule and speaker list for our upcoming summer conference to be held the first week of August, 2022 have been added to the conference web page:
Register for April 30, 2022 with Thomas Harms and Antonin Svoboda
CRY BABY, CRY, is a 2017 documentary film in which filmmaker Antonin Svoboda accompanies Thomas Harms, M.D. as the therapist assists families coping with the stresses that come with caring for a newborn through the first year of infancy.
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